Junjou Romantica Wiki
Junjou Romantica Wiki

Idontlikebritishcigs Idontlikebritishcigs 18 November 2022

haiiiiii fellow humans! :3 My name is smoltransboi!! I am a tiny and kawaii boi on his transition journey!

haiii all! How has yall humans days been? uwu mains been gwood :3 twoday me and mai bestfriend arson went to hot topic ;-; we bought so many kawaii items!! ill put teh photos for u smol queens/gays/nonbinary slays *w* When meh and arson got to our smol studio apartment, we ate twenty froggy cakes! tey were so kawaiiiiiiii -w-

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AmethystBeloved AmethystBeloved 23 June 2021

Volume 24: Summaries Completed

Volume 24: Act 47, Junjou Mix 5, Act 48 and Act 48.5′s summaries are up on the Wiki! Act 48.5 has been translated and type-setted but it’s patiently waiting proofreading before it gets released on Tumblr. I’m in no rush to post it and the summary is up for anyone who wants a sneak peak of its content.

I have also taken the time to complete the Anime sections of Volumes 1 through 17 by matching each episode title with their corresponding manga chapters. Before I start summarizing Volume 25, I’ll create Manga sections for the anime. All of the anime pages has a 'Rating' category that's not even in use (all of the entries say Please give a rating between 1-5 *, 5* being the highest and 1* being the lowest, so I will switch that out for 'Manga' …

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AmethystBeloved AmethystBeloved 21 May 2021

Volume 23: Summaries Completed

I thought that the biggest challenge when summarizing Volume 23 was going to be translating and typesetting 30 pages of the marriage booklet because it wasn’t on Manga Nelo or the Penicillin Shock JR Releases page but a good samaritan pointed out that those stories were already translated so talk about dodging a bullet. Though I did translate half of it and type-setted 10 pages, it’s a good thing that it did not fall into my amature hands because otherwise Risako would be calling her ex-husband Miyagi “quite a wonderful property” instead of “a total catch”.

Everything is going smoothly on the Wiki. If I had to make a to-do list for what will come next after I finish the summaries, it will definitely include making JR character pages for Kis…

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AmethystBeloved AmethystBeloved 1 May 2021

Volume 22: Summaries Completed

Writing the summaries for Volume 22 has been the biggest challenge so far because unbeknownst to me, I was working on the DVD Extras that came out after Season 3 (between Volume 19 and a few months after Volume 20 was released) thinking that I was summarizing this volume. Thankfully I was able to course-correct with Tumblr user Sekaiichis' help.

The best part about this volume was that Act 44.5 was never translated in English and unlike Act 42.5 which was posted on Tumblr in Japanese, I discovered that Hibon BL (formerly known as Ninoo-chan scans) had the Spanish translation so it was simply a matter of typing the text in Google Translate and typesetting the text. For the first time ever anglophone fans were able to enjoy this act on Tumblr…

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AmethystBeloved AmethystBeloved 23 April 2021

DVD Extras: Summaries Completed

While I was summarizing Volume 22, I thought that all of these bath themed stories were in that volume because Penicillin Shock titled them as Junjou Mix 3. However, Ninoo-chan's scanlation site gave me different information. After a quick search I learned that Tumblr user Sekaiichis owned Volume 22 and she kindly confirmed these stories were published seperately shortly after the release of Season 3 and she gave me the release dates too since it overlapped with her work on the amazing JR-SIH Timeline​ project.

DVD Extras

The page looks nice, but I don't know how to add it to the manga drop down menu. The goal is to have that done before I finish Volume 22's summaries.

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AmethystBeloved AmethystBeloved 6 April 2021

Volume 21: Summaries Completed

For this batch of acts, I quickly realized that there was no English scanlation of Act 42.5. After a Google search, I discovered that Graymalkyn on Tumblr uploaded the raws on Tumblr back in 2017. I remembered that I have a friend in another fandom who knows Japanese and she kindly translated the text. After writing the summary, I thought it would be fun to actually do the type setting so I gave it a whirl and posted it on my brand new Tumblr to promote my summaries. Here's my Tumblr!


Joining the JR Tumblr community has also been a new experience. I have yet to follow the active blogs since I'm not caught up yet, but I'm thrilled with everyone who has taken the time to Reblog, Like and read my posts.

Next …

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AmethystBeloved AmethystBeloved 26 March 2021

Volume 20: Summaries Completed

Volume 20 was quite the challenge as it was a lot lengthier than the other volumes since it introduced the first Junjou Mix. There's no wiki page dedicated to the two OVAs that were released after Season 3 so I will either attempt to do it myself or at least ask Kylara for assistance.

As the only Junjou Mix chapter on Manga Nelo was Junjou Mistake, I didn't think that I would find the other parts but luckily they were uplaoded on Ten Manga. I'm really grateful that this series is so popular that there are multiple ways of accessing the manga.

Only a couple more volumes and I will have caught up with my re-read and I'll finally get to all new content. That's going to be so exciting since the story just gets better and better. The Misaki-Manam…

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AmethystBeloved AmethystBeloved 16 March 2021

Volume 19: Summaries Completed

For Volume 19, I found a way to make the Suzuki-san and Junior header even cuter and truer to canon:

~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~


My favourite part of writing this batch of summaries is actually finding Junjou Terrorist Act 11.5 courtesy of dadlesooge on Tumblr! It wasn't on Manga Nelo so I thought I would skip that act all together but a quick Google search allowed me to find it and summarize it. To think it was only posted last fall.

My next hurdle is to learn how to remove the "This article is a stub" tag at the bottom of the page for this volume and the last one because I'm done expanding them.

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AmethystBeloved AmethystBeloved 7 March 2021

Volume 18: Summaries Completed

I figured that I will use this blog space to track my progress and then gush about the later manga chapters once I've discovered them. I've read everything until Act 46 in January but after getting to know the Penicillin Shock team it had given me a new found appreciation for all of the work that goes into the scanlations and I started re-reading the manga from the start.

Today I finished summarizing Volume 18 and I'm most proud of the divider because it looks like Suzuki-san and Junior on the couch: ~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~

Now that I've already finished recapping four full length acts, I'm no longer troubled by the length of the summaries. While it's nowhere as brief as the Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi summaries (which was my original goal) the in…

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AmethystBeloved AmethystBeloved 6 March 2021

So It Begins!

Today is quite a momentous occasion for me because I have written my first Junjou Romantic summary for Volume 17, Act 33! While I do wish that I could be as concise as the Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi manga summaries I was at a loss over what else to cut out. Hopefully with time I will pick up some more pointers on brevity.

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0aiyana0 0aiyana0 17 May 2020

♡Up-to-date ENGLISH chapters♡


I, like a lot of people, had been struggling to find a reliable place to find up-to-date chapters of Junjou Romantica translated to english.

May I present Penicillin Shock, a scanlation tumblr:


As of this blog post, they have just released Act 50.

They are currently searching for more volunteers to help with their projects, so if you have any skills translating/proofing/typesetting, or have access to raws, it will speed things along.

As well as Junjou Romantica, there are also a few other BL series they have on the go, if you'd like.



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Bluegal01 Bluegal01 11 September 2017

Manga translation is on halt

I heard that the scanlation group for JR manga is currently on halt / hiatus.

Which is why fans, like us =( are unable to read new chapters... cries.

i can look for chinese RAWs, but even there~ is limited update. I found a share on someone own japanese copy, but other than hearing them talk, i might understand half, i can't read kranji D= dam. so i just flipped thru to see the pictures... the sadness is real.

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Bluegal01 Bluegal01 10 September 2017

go go gone~

Gah i forgot to backup the notes i made on the notepad on my comp.

after finishing - manga track down on season 2~~ i put it in the note and like shall update when i feel like it. lol yes im a procasinator~ =X

and then i left it there for a long time cause i forgot that i havent update into the wikia which i tot i already did LOL. so then today when i was random-ing around. i found out i did not update it and i couldnt find the notepad file because i didn't back up on my external T_T and i reformated my comp weeks ago. dam i need to redo it ==

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Bluegal01 Bluegal01 20 November 2016

Manga tracking time !

Ok i have finish trackings manga chapters and character appearance for the rest of season 3 ~ now gonna track down first 2 seasons chapters come from which ~ and any i missed out of season 3 hehs.

here i goooooo again ~~ XD

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Bluegal01 Bluegal01 27 October 2016

how i edit

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Bluegal01 Bluegal01 19 October 2016

JR season 3

so gonna rewatch JR season 3 to write all the summaries for the episodes haha.

wish me luck ! ;D

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Annytin Annytin 8 December 2014

Concerning OCs and Fan Creations



Sorry, but I rather not have to comment on multiple pages and etc about how it is alright and yadayada.

So long as it goes in the proper category, vandalism/arguements doesn't occur, and anything else annoying it's good to go.

Admin Annytin.

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AlisaLing127 AlisaLing127 29 November 2014

Junjou Romantica rocks

Junjou romantica is the number 1 yaoi anime of all time and i love the characters Hiroki Kamijou Nowaki Kusama and Usami san Misaki and they are awesome....

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HannaKim HannaKim 27 October 2014

I love this Anime

this anime is awesome and a very nice title Junjou Romantica Awesome

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Annytin Annytin 19 November 2013


My warning to you all wasn't enough. Now I WILL PROTECT the pages so NO ONE ELSE can edit except admins. There was a reason the pages were fine as is. Now please heed my warning next time, or there will be bans.


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Annytin Annytin 1 October 2013

My Absence

Forgive my long absence, college has taken my life over :( but I will check in every once in a blue moon.

I have noticed contributors trying to edit character pages, and it needs to stop. If you have a meaningful contribution you wish to add, run it by an admin first. If this continues the pages will be protected and will no further be edited.

All in all, all hail Junjou!~



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Kyoya Fan 01 Kyoya Fan 01 29 March 2013

What Episode?

Hey, im Germany and What The Episoden is at?

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Annytin Annytin 14 February 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope you all have a wonderful Junjou-Valentine's Day! :D

All couples:

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Annytin Annytin 8 December 2012

Junjou Romantica Fans Google Page!

I've had a google for a while, and they came out with "communities" where anyone can group up together for a common purpose. So I created the Junjou Romantica Fans Community!




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Annytin Annytin 5 December 2012

Junjou Romantica - Season 3 Trailer, English Subtitles

Play this on 720HD viewing!

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Annytin Annytin 14 November 2012

Severe Inactivity

I will be inactive for the most part, due to me having to get to work on my schoolwork and finding a job. My mother recently lost hers, so I will be working extra hard. I will be cutting my internet time down by alot, but I will check in during school, with maybe an update to my story or not.

I will miss you all!!

Goodbye, for now,


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Annytin Annytin 20 October 2012

Seme/Uke Quiz!

I found this quiz online, and it's really cool! I took it and I got flaming uke! Here's the link: http://www.semeuke.com/index.php

Outgoing, sexy, and intuitive, the Flaming Uke is truly a master of social interaction once their skills have matured. It's no wonder they always seem to be the center of attention in their circle of friends - and they make sure of it, surrounding themselves with those who give them the just attention they know they deserve.

The Flaming Uke can come off as rather flamboyant and egocentric with their self-assured and sometimes downright bossy attitude, but they're only giving you their advice for your own good. And maybe that's why so many seek them out for their artistic ideas - from love, fashion, or sexy tips o…

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Annytin Annytin 15 October 2012

Funny Junjou Motifs

If anyone has funny, random pictures of our beloved Junjou characters, post 'em here!

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Morningnight Morningnight 31 August 2012

Nowaki and Hiroki Drama

I love the Nowaki and Hiroki couple in Junjou Romantica the most, but people say that they have to much drama in every episode they are in to even be loved, is that true? I believe the drama is what makes their relationship better, unlike shinobi and miyagi where shinobi is always trying to get with miyagi, its practically the same thing, (Not that I mean to talk bad about them, they are my 2nd favorite couple) and its just that. They don't fight and make up for stupid reasons, which I find to be a little more entertaining then just the same thing.

So, do you agree with me?


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Annytin Annytin 7 June 2012

Junjou Romantica - Season 3

User: Keira_Kinover-Mar    

My Version of Season 3, so I'll try and add more! (Yes, more Terrorist cause they're my favorites :P)    

+Depicted four years after Misaki becoming a freshman, therefore all couples are future.+

* - Mitsuhashi

Yes, there are a few P.O.V. (point of view) errors, but oh well!!! :P

  • 1 Episode 1: Romantica
  • 2 Episode 2: Egoist
  • 3 Episode 3: Romantica
  • 4 Episode 4: Terrorist
  • 5 Episode 5: Terrorist
  • 6 Episode 6: Terrorist
  • 7 Episode 7: Terrorist
  • 8  Episode 8: Egoist
    • 8.1 ~Before last chapter, as in continuing from Egoist view~

My name is Takahashi Misaki, I’m a senior at M* University, and my current occupation is mooch. My current residence is with my brother’s dear friend and… my lover, Usami Akihiko – also known by me and my brother as Usagi-s…

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Kimi-to-boku Kimi-to-boku 24 April 2012

Any Questions?

Any questions on Junjou romantica i will be happy to anwer XD

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