Spare the rod and spoil the child (可愛い子には旅をさせよ, Kawaii Ko ni wa Tabi o sase yo) is the seventh episode of the Junjou Romantica anime series.
This episode features the Junjou Romantica couple.
Misaki is having a hard time with Usami again. He has difficulty picturing himself as Usagi's lover despite having made love with him and admitting that he may love him. Usagi's answer is to go on a date and they end up at a fancy restaurant. Misaki is actually enjoying himself until Usagi's drunken editor-in-chief, Ryuuichiro Isaka, interrupts and Misaki realizes he hardly knows anything about Usagi's past. Isaka is removed, and later Usagi and Misaki are on a large slow Ferris wheel. Misaki gets mad because Isaka knew more about Usagi's history than he does. Usagi is happy knowing that Misaki is jealous over him again and tells him that he loves him. Usagi then says that he will make love to Misaki when they get home. Misaki tries to block it out but ends up making love with Usagi again once they get home. The next day Misaki finds a brochure on different restaurants with loads of tags in the pages. Realizing that Usagi went through so much trouble to pick a place to eat with him he goes to thank him only to be stopped by the appearance of another AkihikoxMisaki BL novel.
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Post-credit scene: Takahiro, Misaki's elder brother, phones Usagi. Usagi tells Misaki to leave the room. When Usagi returns he tells Misaki that Takahiro is coming back to Tokyo and is going to take Misaki back. *The beginning of Act 5 and Episode 8*
Character Appearance[]
- Akihiko Usami
- Misaki Takahashi
- Eri Aikawa
- Takahiro Takahashi (mentioned)
- During his meeting with Aikawa-san, Usagi asks for his opinion to chose one of three racy BL plots for his next novel. Misaki refuses all of them.
- Aikawa compliments Misaki warmly but he brushes it off since he remembers Usagi's warning about how she is the devil in disguise.
- In the "Misaki's Idea of Lovers" segment, the manga includes 'Confide in the other' (Usagi asks Misaki how to escape a deadline and Misaki advises him to make it) and 'Cuts apples into bunnies and sausages into octopi'.
- During the car ride to the beach, Misaki puts on the radio because he's feeling unsettled and his heart is racing.
- The sex scene is more graphic.
- Much more of Usagi's BL book is translated in the English scanlation.
- The scenes where Usagi wakes up Misaki by coming on to him and Misaki talking about how he would like a trip or a party for his birthday are omitted.
- Misaki picks up the phone first when Takahiro calls and Usagi takes it away from him.
- Misaki realizes for the first time that in four years he has to move out before Usagi tells him that Takahiro is coming back.