Junjou Romantica Wiki
Junjou Romantica Wiki

Eri Aikawa (相川 絵理, Aikawa Eri) is a supporting character in the Junjou Romantica series. She is Akihiko Usami's editor/friend with Marukawa Publishing and a friend of Misaki Takahashi.

As Usami's editor, Aikawa is constantly pushing him to finish his work on time. On the outside, she seems like a well-mannered and kind professional, but when Usami does not hand in his manuscripts on time she is famous for freaking out and even, on one occasion, attacking him.



Eri's full body and facial view

Eri has upper-back length brown hair that has bangs swept to the right side and dark gray-blue eyes.


  • The name Eri means "drawing, picture, painting, sketch" (絵) (e) and "reason, logic" (理) (ri).
  • Eri's surname Aikawa means "phase, aspect, countenance, mutually, fellow" (相) (ai) and "river, stream" (川) (kawa).



  1. Misaki Takahashi estimates that she's about the same age Akihiko Usami.