Junjou Romantica Wiki
Junjou Romantica Wiki

Haruhiko Usami (宇佐見 春彦, Usami Haruhiko) is a supporting character in the Junjou Romantica series. He is the son of Fuyuhiko Usami and the older half-brother of Akihiko Usami who falls in love with Misaki Takahashi.


Haruhiko has short unevenly cut brown hair that lays longer on the right side than it does on the left and comes down just below the back of his neck, matching colored eyes and round glasses.

Haruhiko has only ever appeared wearing suits (as of latest appearance).


Haruhiko is generally a cold and disapproving man towards Akihiko Usami if he doesn't despise him deeply. He and his brother might hate each other and seem like night and day but as the story progresses you come to realize that his and Akihiko's personalities are quite similar. It is also noted that in the past Haruhiko would take things from Akihiko (out of jealousy?) and Akihiko would allow it to happen, though as Haruhiko becomes set on taking away Misaki Takahashi (as result of falling in love with him) Akihiko refuses to let it happen stating, that "he is the one thing I won't allow you to have", before kissing Misaki in front of him and Tanaka.

Character Debut Summary


Haruhiko insulting Usagi-san

Haruhiko is the son of Fuyuhiko Usami and the older hair-brother of Akihiko Usami. He met Misaki Takahashi at the subway; where Misaki accompanied him to his destination, which happens to be the same as where Misaki was heading to (Teito Hotel). During the train ride Haruhiko question's the younger male on the flowers Misaki is holding, Misaki says he likes flowers (though they are actually a gift for Usagi) as a result of this Haruhiko ends up sending Misaki flowers, then strawberries and lastly cherries later on (since Misaki is bad with words).

As they arrive at the hotel, Misaki soon learns the stranger he was riding with was in fact Usagi's older brother, then watches as the two argue, and ends up calling Haruhiko an idiot (BAAAAKAAAAA!) Which makes Haruhiko interested in Misaki, later turning to love (maybe because he's a M) Which is when he begins to send stuff (listed before) to Misaki, which annoys Usagi-san.


Akihiko Usami

Younger Half Brother; whom he hates

Misaki Takahashi

His brother's lover; whom he also loves.

Fuyuhiko Usami

Father; whom is his boss.

Kaoruko Usami

Akihiko's cousin; whom he nearly married

Ryuuichiro Isaka

Childhood friend; whom is Akihiko's boss


  • The name Haruhiko means "spring" (春) (haru) and "boy, prince" (彦) (hiko).
  • Haruhiko's surname Usami means "eaves, roof, house, heaven" (宇) (u), "help, aid" (佐) (sa) and "see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible" (見) (mi).


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Haruhiko kissing Misaki

  • In the manga, Haruhiko actually kissed Misaki Takahashi, but he was unsuccessful in the anime.