Junjou Romantica Wiki
Junjou Romantica Wiki

Junjou Romantica Act 3.5 is the 5th chapter of Volume 2.


Misaki and Akihiko are having an Othello match, which turns quite risqué as the game goes on.


Misaki finds an Othello set among Akihiko's belongings and boasts to the latter about his skill in said game. Deciding to get back at Akihiko, he suggests that both of them should play a round of Strip Othello. However, thing doesn't go quite well for him as Akihiko himself is no slouch in the game either, resulting in Misaki slowly losing his articles of clothing. Suspicious of Misaki's skill, Akihiko questions him which Misaki is adamant that he was quite a champion in high school against a student named Saionji from the next class and all the girls cheered for him, something that his brother Takahiro can confirm. Usagi quickly puts it together and reveals to Misaki that the girls was actually cheering for Saionji to lose and strip, crippling Misaki's confidence. Nevertheless, Misaki eventually turns the table around and gets Akihiko to strip to his underwear and finally losing it. Unfortunately for him, Akihiko has the last laugh and forces a draw on the game, causing Misaki to strip naked as well as he realizes that Akihiko has been aiming for this outcome and thus purposely losing pieces on purpose with Akihiko adding that Misaki had lost the moment he challenged him.

Character Appearance[]


  • Saionji

Image gallery[]


Due to the heavy sexual nature of the chapter, it was not adapted into the anime.
