Junjou Romantica Wiki
Junjou Romantica Wiki

Kaoru Asahina (朝比奈 薫, Asahina Kaoru) is a minor character in Junjou Romantica. He is the assistant, childhood friend and lover of Ryuuichiro Isaka whose their relationship is titled Junjou Mistake.

He features as a main character in Junjou Mistake, in an episode in Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi, and later in an episode of Junjou Romantica.

Kaoru came to work for the Isaka's family when they helped Asahina's out of a bad situation. Originally intended to be Isaka's playmate, he ended up becoming something more of a caretaker. Asahina is revealed in Junjou Mistake to in fact be Isaka's lover and has been in love with him since childhood.


  • The name Kaoru means "fragrance, fragrant" (薫).
  • Kaoru's surname Asahina means "morning" (朝) (asa), "ratio" (比) (hi) and "Nara, what" (奈) (na).

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