Junjou Romantica Wiki
Junjou Romantica Wiki

This page is a list of all established couples that appear in the Junjou Romantica series.

Major couples[]

Junjou Romantica[]

Relationship between Usami Akihiko and Misaki Takahashi. The couple appears in all current volumes of the manga series.

Junjou Egoist[]

Relationship between Nowaki Kusama and Hiroki Kamijou. The couple appears in most current volumes of the manga series, starting from Volume 1.

Junjou Terrorist[]

Relationship between Yoh Miyagi and Shinobu Takatsuki. The couple appears in most current volumes of the manga series, starting from Volume 5.

Minor couples[]

Junjou Minimum[]

Relationship between Akihiko Usami and Hiroki Kamijou. The couple appears in few volumes and only exists before the main story takes place. First appearance in Volume 4.

Junjou Mistake[]

Relationship between Kaoru Asahina and Ryuuichiro Isaka. The couple initially appears in a side story published separately from the main series but is later included in some volumes from Volume 17.

Junjou Sentiment[]

Relationship between Kyo Ijuuin and Yanase Yuu. The couple appears in few volumes starting from Volume 25 but only gets together in Volume 26. However, the Ijuuin's heartbreak backstory and initial interactions with Yuu start prior in the following:

  • Extra side story from the fifth box set for Season 3 from January 29th, 2016. Copyright 2015.
    • Covers Ijuuin having a wet dream about Misaki and work reflections.
  • Extra side story from the sixth box set for Season 3 from February 26th, 2016. Copyright 2015.
    • Covers Ijuuin having another dream about Misaki and the first depicted interaction with Yuu as his assistant.
  • Volume 23 Mix
    • Covers Yanase waiting in the building's lobby for Ijuuin to come home because he was meant to assist with work. Ijuuin teases Yanase about being special and Yanase accidentally reveals he is a big fan of Ijuuin's work.

Side couples[]

Takahiro Takahashi and Manami Kajiwara[]

Married at the beginning of the series and appear throughout the series as supporting characters. They have a child together.

Kaoruko Usami and Mizuki Shiiba[]

Appear throughout the series but it is unlear when/if they officially started dating. The couple first started off with Mizuki's unrequited crush on Kaoruko while she had feelings for Misaki. The first time the relationship between this couple is focused on is in Volume 23.

Fuyuhiko Usami and Natsuko Usami[]

Married parents of Akihiko Usami. Their relationship isn't focused on and is first portrayed in Volume 25

Fuyuhiko Usami and Haruhiko's Mother[]

Parents of Haruhiko Usami. The mother was a mistress and their relationship was never portrayed.

Yoh Miyagi and Risako Takatsuki[]

Divorced. Their relationship while they were together was never protrayed. There are a few instances of the couple interacting post divorce.

Yoh Miyagi and Miyagi's sensei[]

While close, the true nature of their relationship from before sensei passed away is unclear outside of Miyagi's feelings for his sensei.

See also[]
