Junjou Romantica Wiki
Junjou Romantica Wiki

Takahiro Takahashi (高橋 孝浩 Takahashi Takahiro) is Misaki Takahashi's older brother and a close friend of Akihiko Usami. Later, Takahiro becomes the husband of Manami Kajiwara and the father of Mahiro Takahashi, a child that is named by Akihiko.


Takahiro is a handsome young man with black or dark blue hair that has bangs swept to the right, grey eyes and round-shaped glasses.


Takahiro is an extremely naive character and seems to be oblivious to Usagi's long-lasting affection for him, especially when he announced his engagement to Manami Kajiwara early in the series. However, he is a very kind-hearted and caring person who is very fond of Misaki. He is willing to sacrifice anything for those he cares about, especially Misaki. After his parents died, he dropped out of school in order to raise Misaki. He himself has stated that he is very overprotective.


Throughout both the anime and manga, it seems that Takahiro's relationship with Misaki Takahashi has always been good.

He introduced Misaki to Akihiko to be his home tutor to help him with his grades.

Eventually, he was worried about Misaki living with Akihiko Usami (Usagi) might have caused Misaki to over dependent on Usagi not knowing their relationship underneath. They argued in 'Romantica Act 44' as Takahiro wants Misaki to start looking for a place to stay independently. Manami, his wife, tried persuading him to look at Misaki as an adult, that he has his own opinion too that he has to listen, instead of forcing his own ideas on him.

[1]He discovered Misaki's relationship with Akihiko right before Misaki could tell him on the day he planned to do so, witnessing them seemingly kiss in the car. When Misaki tried to explain to Takahiro, he did not agree or object to the relationship and seemingly left to think about it. [2]After meeting with Akihiko to hear his side of the story, he punched Akihiko and does not seem to strongly object the relationship. He also warned Akihiko to never hurt his little brother, which he promised.


Misaki Takahashi

Misaki is Takahiro's younger brother who very close despite the large age gap between them. Their parents had died in a car crash when Misaki was a child, Takahiro dropped college and started working to raise Misaki to have a proper childhood and happy warm family. Takahiro is an extremely doting brother, and is always concerning himself with whether or not Misaki was happy, regardless if Misaki assured him that he was fine. He only allowed Misaki to stay with Usami, his best friend, because Usami assured Takahiro that Misaki would be fine and happy in his care.

Akihiko Usami

Takahiro and Usami have known each other since high school and Usami has been in love with Takahiro from the start. Due to his naive personality, Takahiro never noticed his best friend's romantic feelings towards him and just thinks of Usami and an incredibly talented and thoughtful friend to have. While the two men haven't met for a while since Misaki moved in with the author, they are still very good friends and talk on the phone a lot.


  • The name Takahiro means "valuable" (貴) or "filial piety" (孝) (taka) and "big, great" (大) or "prosperous" (浩) (hiro).
  • Takahiro's surname Takahashi means "tall, high" (高) (taka) and "bridge" (橋) (hashi).
  • His name was originally Kyoukou but was later changed to Takahiro


  1. romantica act 52
  2. Romantica Act53