Writing the summaries for Volume 22 has been the biggest challenge so far because unbeknownst to me, I was working on the DVD Extras that came out after Season 3 (between Volume 19 and a few months after Volume 20 was released) thinking that I was summarizing this volume. Thankfully I was able to course-correct with Tumblr user Sekaiichis' help.
The best part about this volume was that Act 44.5 was never translated in English and unlike Act 42.5 which was posted on Tumblr in Japanese, I discovered that Hibon BL (formerly known as Ninoo-chan scans) had the Spanish translation so it was simply a matter of typing the text in Google Translate and typesetting the text. For the first time ever anglophone fans were able to enjoy this act on Tumblr. Not only did it garner 214 notes and a lot of new followers, but after I announced that I was looking for Spanish speakers to proofread my work, Tumblr user iitsnemoo reached out to me and we have become fast friends and excellent teammates. I also connected with Hibon-bl who has kindly provided me with the pages of the Spanish scanlations that are not available in English so I no longer need to take screenshots.
Finally on the Wiki front, I got in touch with Kylara again who added DVD Extras to the navigation and she taught me how to activate the Table of Contents on a page. It's exactly what I wanted!