Junjou Romantica Wiki
Junjou Romantica Wiki

Junjou Romantica 20 (純情ロマンチカ 第20巻, lit: Pure-Hearted Romantica volume 20) is the twentieth volume of the Junjou Romantica manga series.


  • Junjou Romantica act.39
  • Junjou Romantica act.40
  • Junjou Romantica act.40.5
  • Junjou Mix - Junjou Egoist
  • Junjou Mix - Junjou Terrorist
  • Junjou Mix - Junjou Mistake
  • Junjou Mix - Junjou Romantica


Junjou Romantica Act 39[]

Misaki Takahashi is helping out Shinosuke Todo's kendo group by cooking yakisoba during the school festival. He discourages Akihiko Usami and Mizuki Shiiba from coming. Mizuki reveals that Kaoruko Usami rejected his feelings which is why he's still around even after Kaoruko left but he's not giving up because his feelings are not weak. Mizuki warns Misaki that he should worry about Usagi's father. Misaki wonders if Usagi's father thinks he's good enough and he thinks of all of the people whose feelings he rejected because he wants to stay with Usagi.

At the school festival, Fuyuhiko Usami arrives at the yakisoba stand and buys out all of the food. He invites Misaki to his home for tea and asks his what he will do with his son after he graduates since it would be harder to maintain a relationship once in the workforce. Mizuki confirms that he will not run away and he desire's others' approval to stay with Usagi. After Fuyuhiko brings Misaki back, he tells Usagi that Misaki has changed a bit and wonders if he did too. Usagi tells Misaki to ignore his father but Misaki insists that he is serious about getting everyone's approval because he does not regret choosing Usagi. When Misaki starts to say that even though he wants to stay Usagi cuts him off by kissing him as he does not want to hear the rest. Thinking of the possibility that Misaki would leave makes Usagi uneasy. They have sex and Misaki does not understamd why Usagi feels uneasy.

The next day Misaki is back at the yakisoba stand and Usagi arrives to buy out all of the food.

~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~

Junjou Romantica Act 40[]

Usagi tries to push Misaki into leaving on the trip around the world with him and crashing his graduation trip but Misaki tells him to stop running away and stick to his deadlines. At school Misaki and Todo are looking at vacation destinations and Misaki tells Todo that he hasn't started his thesis yet. At work, Misaki runs into Kyo Ijuuin who was escorted by Ryuuichiro Isaka. They talk about thesis writing and Ijuuin-sensei mentions that he's in touch with Kaoruko for cooking references and he can refer a onsen used for an upcoming movie. Just as Misaki was going to say how much he loves the manga, Usagi arrives to finish his manuscript and is not happy with the scene. The authors leave but Isaka pulls Misaki aside to talk. He praises Misaki for distancing himself from Ijuuin-sensei but explains that the next obstable is Usagi and how Misaki needs to support himself to stand on his own in his profession before telling his brother about his relationship. Misaki decides he will move out and live on his own after paying his brother back without involving Usagi and then he can reveal the truth. Usagi comes in and is furious that Misaki is going through this alone.

Back home, Misaki explained that he kept his plan to pay back his brother as a secret because otherwise Usagi would pay everything himself and it would defeat the purpose of Misaki proving to his brother that he is an adult. Usagi admits that he knew Misaki was saving money and he was upset that Misaki was resolving his problem by himself. Usagi offers to give Misaki so much money that Misaki will be indebted to him and they'll stay together but Misaki turned that down right away. Usagi tells him they will resolve it together and begs Misaki to not leave him behind. Misaki promises that he won't and Usagi kisses him. They have sex and Misaki thinks about how he never wants to hurt Usagi and is sorry for the times he unintentionally does. But he will work hard so they could stay together.

The next day Misaki and Todo plan on going to the onsen recommended by Ijuuin-sensei even if it means a three hour walk from the bus stop. Usagi offers to drive them and Misaki reminds him once again that the graduation trip is only for graduating students.

~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~

Junjou Mix - Junjou Egoist[]

Hiroki Kamijou is deeply annoyed with Usami who is lounging in his office and hoping to get some of Hiroki's "first time" stories as requested by Eri Aikawa. Hiroki kicks him out but later on he can't help think of the first time he met Nowaki Kusama who forced him to be his tutor until he confessed his feelings and they fell in love. Realizing that it was a dark past put him on edge and Nowaki notices this after returning home from a wedding. Hiroki admits that Nowaki's stalker-like tendancies were scary but Nowaki laughed it off and claimed it was because he was young and focused on making Hiroki his. Nowaki turns his attention to the food he brought home from the wedding and asks Hiroki if would accept a wedding ring if he bought one for him. While he understands that neither of them can wear it to work, he admits that he wants proof that Hiroki will always be with him. Hiroki agrees as long as he could pay for it too and Nowaki hugs him. Needless to say, he refuses the idea of them buying the rings together.

~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~

Junjou Mix - Junjou Terrorist[]

Yoh Miyagi returns home and realizes that he forgot to give back Hiroki's book. That made him remember Hiroki's earlier irritation after his author friend came by to ask for "first time experiences" stories. Miyagi realizes that because he is in a relationship with Shinobu Takatsuki, he is experiencing many first times and confusing moments with Shinobu currently glowering over him to go to bed early. In the middle of the night Shinobu joins Miyagi in his bed, which prompts Miyagi to set up the guest futon for himself. This upsets Shinobu who was informed by his friend that if a couple are not sleeping together they are on the verge of breaking up. Miyagi explains that the bed is too small and he worries that Shinobu isn't sleeping properly because of it. Shinobu insist that it's fine so that he could hold Miyagi close and Miyagi can't help but think how cute his lover is. He decides to not get a bigger bed but becomes irritated when Shinobu starts to pinch his stomach and say he's getting fat.

~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~

Junjou Mix - Junjou Mistake[]

Isaka overhears Aikawa gush over how she got Usami-sensei to agree to explore "first time experiences" for his next BL book and how it helps rejuvinate a releationship. Isaka didn't really think it applied to long term relationships when couples already knew everything about each other like his. During dinner Kaoru Asahina picks up on the fact that something is troubling Isaka. Isaka admits that he is a bit disappointed that they can't have anymore first times and Asahina said he'll do anything within reason. With the intent of embarrassing him, Isaka decides to feed Asahina in a lovey-dovey fashion in which Asahina obliges. Before Isaka can recover from shock, Asahina offers him food and Isaka ate it to prove that it wasn't impossible for him after Asahina's teasing. Feeling a lot more embarrassed than intended, Isaka prepares a bite that is much to big but is caught off guard when Asahina comes in close to lick the sauce from his mouth. It was another first and Asahina is enjoying himself. Isaka realizes that there are still things that can make his heart race.

~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~

Junjou Mix - Junjou Romantica[]

Usagi is thinking of how annoyed he is with Hiroki's refusal to talk about his first time experiences and confused about Aikawa's persistance of the importance of such experiences. Back home he asks Misaki if there's anything he wants him to do to him, which confuses Misaki. Usagi realizes that they never had outdoors sex or tried cosplay, which Misaki immediately shuts down. Misaki thinks back of all of his first times and Usagi comments how in the four years of knowing each other nothing has changed including his height. Misaki retorts by reminding him that he got into college and he got a job offer too. Usagi agreed that a lot has happened and his life has completely changed for the better after knowing and falling in love with Misaki. Usagi kisses Misaki who is initally annoyed as it's time to eat, but he melts in his lover's arms. Usagi realizes that the same hands that used to push him away are the ones that are holding him tighter.

After the book is released, Misaki once again gives Usagi a hard time over using his name. Incidentally, the book is so popular that it promptly requires a second volume.

~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~

Junjou Romantica Act 40.5[]

Misaki reaches his boiling point when it came to Usagi warning him that he is sending too many messages and decides to break up with him by giving him the silent treatment. After a few days of getting the cold shoulder Usagi looked so miserable that Misaki starts to feel guilty and tells him that there's no harm in him sending emails. Usagi calls himself adorably jealous, which annoys Misaki even further. Usagi decides to stare at Misaki when he writes his messages and Misaki retorts by filling every dish with green peppers.

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