Junjou Romantica 23 (純情ロマンチカ 第23巻, lit: Pure-Hearted Romantica volume 23) is the twenty-third volume of the Junjou Romantica manga series.
A limited edition of the volume will come with a booklet.
It was officially released September 1, 2018.
- Junjou Mix 4 - Shiiba Mizuki
- Junjou Mix 4 - Ijuuin Kyo
- Junjou Romantica act.45
- Junjou Romantica act.46
- Junjou Romantica act.46.5
Special Booklet -Marriage-
Junjou Mix 4 - Shiiba Mizuki[]
Mizuki Shiiba thinks that despite his bitter relationship with his cousin Kaoruko Usami, he is still in love with her. He meets her at a café after he runs her errands and they are being snide to one another as usual. Mizuki scolds Kaoruko for using the private jet just to bring a Christmas cake for Misaki Takahashi. Kaoruko wonders if Fuyuhiko Usami and Takahiro Takahashi know about Misaki and Akihiko Usami, and wonders if they will stay together after Misaki graduates. When Mizuki asks if she wants their relationship to fail she becomes offended and says that she supports them. They are interrupted by Kyo Ijuiin and the way he is familiar with Kaoruko annoys Mizuki. He becomes even more upset when Ijuiin-sensei takes up her invitation to visit Paris and she shares her personal information. Ijuiin-sensei senses Mizuki's mood and tells him not to worry as he leaves. Kaoruko scolds Mizuki for being jealous and he asks why isn't she jealous of Misaki and their cousin. She says she wants the person who she loves to be happy. Mizuki thinks about how she always puts on a brave front but actually she has her weaknesses and that's the side he likes. She then demands him to carry her bags to the airport. After being quiet for a while, Kaoruko asks him what's going on and he confesses that he is trying to figure out how he can give up on her. She gets upset and asks him to think about why she was always around him in the first place. He realizes that she loves him too.
~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~
Junjou Mix 4 - Ijuuin Kyo[]
Ijuuin-sensei is looking for tiny flickers of light and thinks about how quickly Christmas has come and mulls over whether or not he should have called out to Kaoruko considering how annoyed Mizuki was. He arrives at Marukawa Publishing and is disappointed when Zen Kirishima informs him that Misaki just left. He wanted to give Misaki a Christmas limited edition figurine of The Kan but thought it's for the best since Misaki did reject his feelings. He is taken by surprise when Misaki topples down next to him while attempting to carry the larger than life bunny (Act 44) after he returns to find a bag. Ijuuin-sensei is happy to give Misaki the gift personally and his fan's reaction gives him great joy. Kirishima asks Takafumi Yokozawa to find a bag and Misaki continues to gush until he takes his leave. Ijuuin-sensei recognizes the light Misaki brings into his life and although he is aware his love would never be returned, he is not ready to let go of the feeling. He arrives home and is surprised to find Yuu Yanase in his lobby. Ijuuin-sensei forgot that Yuu was to start as his assistant. He offers to give Yuu a spare key who quickly warns him to be more vigilant. Ijuuin-sensei tells Yuu that he is the exception and Yuu blushes. He pokes a bit of fun and when Yuu lets slip that he was a fan of The Kan and admits that he jumped on the opportunity to assist with that manga, Ijuuin-sensei begins to see him in a new light despite Yuu's insistence that he keeps his work and private lives separate. Ijuuin-sensei is pleased to have a fan so close and wonders what he could do to continue to make him happy. But above all, work comes first as he continues his work and searches for tiny flickers of light.
~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~
Junjou Romantica Act 45[]
While everyone is enjoying the Christmas season, Misaki is stressing over the way Usagi is collapsing under the weight of his deadlines. Usagi attempts to recharge on Misaki and Misaki immediately shuts him down after he falls and almost crushes his phone. When he checks it he sees the unsent message to Manami Kajwara where he asks to talk to her. He worries about his family's reactions but he knows it's something he can't hide forever. Usagi offers to go with Misaki to tell Manami but he is determined to do it on his own.
After school, Misaki and Shinosuke Todo are celebrating the start of winter vacation and get excited about their upcoming onsen trip. Misaki asks Todo's advice on what to do if someone you love discovered something about you that you didn't want them to know. Todo said the person should explain themselves properly. Misaki realizes that if he continues hiding his secret he might lose Usagi and calls Manami on the spot to invite himself over.
Misaki arrives at Manami's home out of breath after running over. She informs him that Mahiro Takahashi is napping and Takahiro is working late. After Misaki shakily confirms that he and Usagi are in fact dating, he blurts out a haphazard explanation of how he went from thinking Usagi was weird to eventually knowing the real him. Although terrified, he continues to talk about how Usagi comes off as self-centered but gets lonely and always thinks of Misaki first. By learning how he was truly like, he fell in love with him and wants to stay with him. After he apologizes, Manami asks why and Misaki panics, thinking that his explanation was insufficient. That's when Manami reveals that Usagi visited her earlier to explain that while he has no intention of hiding his relationship with Misaki, it's Misaki who is struggling to explain it because he does not want to hurt his family. And although Misaki is set on telling Manami, Usagi predicts that Misaki will not be able to say everything he wants to express so he asks her to hear him out until the end. Manami tells Misaki that she sees how much he loves Usagi, that she will not object to his relationship and that they will tell Takahiro together, which moves Misaki to tears.
Back home Misaki yells at Usagi for going behind his back but was happy that Manami did hear him out the whole way through. Misaki apologizes and thanks Usagi for supporting him. While Usagi admits that even he doesn't know how Takahiro would react, he promises to be at Misaki's side. He tells Misaki that all he needs to do is love him and everything will be okay because he says so. They have sex and Misaki thinks about the way Usagi went to speak to Manami made him realize just how much Usagi cares for him. While he is embarrassed over the way she could see how much he loves Usagi, being with him is what he wants.
The next day Misaki is quite upset to find a gigantic Christmas tree in their apartment since he will be the one taking care of it. Usagi tells Misaki he already got his present and Misaki hopes it's not a trip to allow Usagi to run away from his work.
~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~
Junjou Romantica Act 46[]
Misaki does not know what to do with the overwhelming amount of presents from Usagi's brother and father. Even Kaoruko flew in a huge cake by Air Mail and took the opportunity to berate him for not coming to France over the phone. Usagi scoffs at the gifts and tries to get Misaki on board with the idea of going on a trip but Misaki downright refuses. Misaki convinces Usagi that he should spend Christmas at home with him, though he changes his mind when he remembers the Christmas market that was running until December 25th. Once Misaki confirms with Eri Aikawa that Usagi did meet his deadline, they decide to meet after Usagi finishes a briefing at Marakawa Publishing.
On December 24th, Misaki decides to catch a movie to pass the time until he meets with Usagi. He thinks about how he bought Usagi a blanket because on the occasions when he collapses on the floor, he covers himself with Suzuki-san. Misaki thinks about how he and Usagi will be spending Christmas with his brother's family and that he would rather wait until after Christmas to tell his brother the truth.
At Marakawa Publishing, Usagi is leaving to meet Misaki. Ryuuichiro Isaka sees Usagi and tries to sweet talk him into taking a new job but suddenly collapses. Usagi had to take him to the hospital. After Misaki left the movies, he found Usagi's messages explaining that Isaka has appendicitis and has to stay until Kaoru Asahina returns from an out of town trip. Misaki decides to walk through the Christmas market and bumps into Hiroki Kamijou to his horror. Nowaki Kusama joins Hiroki with candied apples to Hiroki's embarrassment. Just before Misaki was going to run off, Hiroki asks about Usagi, and Misaki explains that there were complications that stopped him from coming. Hiroki asks Misaki if things are going well with him and Usagi before he leaves. It starts to snow and Misaki thinks back to his first Christmas when he took the extra work shift and made Usagi wait. He is surprised that they have been together for three years.
Misaki and Usagi only meet up after Misaki finishes his grocery shopping. Usagi expresses his disappointment over missing out on his Christmas date with Misaki. To cheer him up, Misaki gives Usagi a snow globe that he made himself with a Usagi toy, Misaki toy and Suzuki-san toy standing in front of a ferris wheel. Misaki tells Usagi that he should make one for him the following year and Usagi is pleased with the invitation.
Back home Usagi is touched with Misaki's thoughtful gift (a blanket) while Misaki thinks about how the time he spends with Usagi taught him what it's like to be in love. After they kiss, Usagi invites Misaki to undress him and Misaki is nervous. Misaki finally speaks up about how it isn't fair that Usagi is calm when they are intimate while he is a mess. Usagi brings Misaki's hand to his rapidly beating heart and confesses that he too gets nervous. Misaki becomes even more upset because he claims that his heart will now beat even faster. They have sex on the blanket and Misaki thinks about going to the Christmas market next year.
On Christmas day, Misaki finds a stocking when he wakes up and is charmed until he finds a large cheque and a land title from Usagi, which makes him furious. He asks Santa to give Usagi some common sense for Christmas.
~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ~*~
Junjou Romantica Act 46.5[]
It's between Christmas and New Year's, and because Misaki was far from enthused over Usagi's lavish gift of a large cheque and land title, Usagi decides to help with the household chores. In order to avert a crisis, Misaki tells Usagi that he would like to have freshly baked bread. Usagi marvels over the fact that he is making his own bread and tells Misaki a story from his childhood of how a bakery's display would captivate him. He says that green pea paste and matcha bear bread were his favourite flavours and Misaki tells him they can make that kind. Usagi tells Misaki he's amazing and Misaki shyly says that making the bread together is the best gift. Usagi pats his head but gets flour in his hair and the two have a flour fight. Misaki is glad that Usagi is happy. Ultimately they make too much bread and give some to Aikawa.
Special Booklet -Marriage-[]
No. 1: Junjou Romantica
Misaki comes home to Usagi putting on an extravagant tie because he was getting ready to attend Ryouichi Sumi's anniversary party of his debut. Misaki fawns over how natural Usagi looks after he takes his picture. After letting it slip that it looked like Usagi was going to a wedding, Usagi took the opportunity to cram Misaki into a suit before forcing him to be in a picture. Usagi notes that the suit has more of a presence than he does and Misaki snaps back by saying he's not used to suits. Usagi re-ties his tie for him and Aikawa arrives with a bouquet of roses as a present for Isaka in honour of his latest book. After she excuses herself, Misaki wants to take another picture of Usagi and the flowers. Usagi asks Misaki if he knows the significance of ten red roses and tells him that it means he is the one for him. Usagi has Misaki hold a rose and they take one more picture together. Aikawa returns and Usagi asks if Misaki could come along, which startles Misaki. She doesn't seem too bothered by the request and they leave, fully expecting Misaki to follow. Misaki looks at the picture and maybe thinks about marrying Usagi before he chases the thought away. A few days later, Usagi presents Misaki with a custom-made suit, which has him scolding Usagi for wasting money.
No. 2: Junjou Terrorist
Yoh Miyagi is feeling very uneasy because his ex-wife Risako Takatsuki is currently at his apartment after getting drunk at a wedding and demanding for coffee. Shinobu Takatsuki is furious at his sister but Miyagi doesn't have the heart to kick him out in her state. Risako is having second thoughts about wanting Miyagi again but he kindly explains that he is seeing someone. While Risako demands to know more about this woman, Shinobu called a taxi and forced her out. When he returns, he calls his sister a pain and demands that Miyagi marry him. He presents him with a ring that he forces on his hand but Miyagi cries in pain because it doesn't fit. He is dejected and admits that it was supposed to be a birthday present but he felt threatened by Risako. However, the ring fits Shinobu when Miyagi puts it on him. Shinobu admits that even though he doesn't wear accessories, he wanted to materialize their feelings. Miyagi offers to get the ring resized and Shinobu hugs him. Shinobu admits that he was happy when Miyagi said he was dating someone but after they kiss he is very firm that he would kill Miyagi if he dares to cheat.
No. 3: Junjou Egoist
It is Nowaki's birthday but he and Hiroki are not together because Nowaki is attending a wedding. Hiroki uses the time to shop for a present even though he is grumpy that they are too busy to be together. He thinks about how it's not actually the day that Nowaki was born but he never wanted to press on the subject. That night Nowaki comes home very late since the married couple wanted to celebrate Nowaki's birthday too and he is annoyed that Hiroki didn't look disappointed that they didn't spend the day together. Hiroki counters that Nowaki should appreciate having friends who want to celebrate his birthday and he gives him his present. It is a stylish coat that Nowaki loves. Nowaki brings up the fact that actually they are celebrating the day he arrived at the orphanage and Hiroki apologizes for when he said Nowaki's birthday wasn't his actual birthday. Nowaki tells him that the day they are celebrating is when he became "Kusama Nowaki" and it was the beginning of the journey that led him to Hiroki. So it is a precious day. This makes Hiroki give Nowaki a rare hug and as he wishes him a happy birthday, he thinks about how happy he is and how he almost took Nowaki's speech as a proposal.
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