Junjou Romantica Wiki
Junjou Romantica Wiki

Junjou Romantica 8 (純情ロマンチカ 第8巻, lit: Pure-Hearted Romantica volume 8) is the eighth volume of the Junjou Romantica manga series.


  • Junjou Romantica act.11
  • Junjou Romantica act.12
  • Junjou Egoist act.12

Volume summary[]

From Blu / Tokyopop:[1]

When Usami can't write a teenage love story, it's up to Misaki to teach him the proper way to go on a "normal" date. As usual, things end up less than normal when family issues arise with the introduction of...Usami's father! It's time for Misaki to bite the bullet and say what he feels in his heart for Usami... And when Hiro finds Nowaki sleeping naked with a haughty hunk, will this spell the end of their relationship?


Image gallery[]


  1. Archived view of Blu's Junjo Romantica summary page. Retrieved August 25th, 2021.